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The Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart

15 S. Mulberry Street, Hagerstown, MD

Sunday Services

8:30—9:15 am   
Praise Worship
Fellowship Hall

9:30—10:30 am 
Sunday School
Individual classrooms

10:45 am Worship
Sanctuary & Facebook Live 

Ash Wednesday Service

 March 5 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.

Lenten Services

7 pm in Fellowship Hall with guest speakers:

March 19—Esther Boleyn

March 26—Ella Amaya

April 2—Suzie Wolfe

April 9—To be announced

Sunday Worship

March 30, 2025
Preacher: Twyla Rowe
Worship Leader: Robin Davies
“Out with the Old and in with the New”
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Special: Lent 4

Facebook Videos
No Facebook account required.


You may mail your offering to
15 S. Mulberry Street
Hagerstown MD 21740
make a secure donation by clicking the button below.

Junior Church

During the 10:45 service on the 2nd & 4th Sundays each month, children in kindergarten through grade 6 gather in the Rainbow Room.

Food Pantry Sunday

On the first Sunday of month, bring dry items: boxed or in cans, but not in glass jars. Place items on the cart inside the west entrance. 

Take a Moment Prayer : Week of Mar 23

Holy Savior, with each step I make through this Lenten season, I am reminded of your journey to the cross. It brings feelings of sadness and shame because I know your death on the cross was the price paid for all of humanity’s sin…which, of course, includes me. I admit that I feel impatient. I want this season to pass quickly and get on to the Easter celebration. Yet…I know I must wait…and in the waiting, I will seek you with a hunger to draw closer to you. As I wait, I will listen to you as you speak to my heart; and I will seek to be obedient to what you want me to do. Send your Spirit to nudge me on so that in my waiting I will be very active. The waiting will definitely be worthwhile. Easter is coming! Hallelujah! The celebration will be great! Amen.

March 2024

“But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they  had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in  they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.” (Luke 24:1-3)

After Jesus suffered horrific torture and death by hanging on a cross, his body was   taken down and put in a cold dark tomb. A huge stone was rolled in front of it, and Pilate  commanded Roman guards to stand by the tomb so no one would steal Jesus’ body.

Morning Worship Services

March 23, 2025
“Should We Wait?”
Preacher: Twyla Rowe
Scripture: Luke 13:1-9
March 16, 2025
“A Line in the Sand”
Preacher: Twyla Rowe
Scripture: Gen. 15:1-12; 17-18