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The Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart

About Us

Our Staff

Twyla Rowe, Pastor

Pastor Twyla grew up in the Lititz (PA) Church of the Brethren where her pastor encouraged her to follow her personal call to the ministry. That pastor was Ralph Moyer, who had joined the HCoB staff as an intern in 1961.

Before coming to HCoB, Twyla was the Fahrney-Keedy Home and Village Chaplain. Prior to that she had served as Minister of Christian Nurture at  Conestoga, Leola, PA, and Westminister, MD, Churches of the Brethren.

In 2019, she became the interim pastor at HCoB and a year later, the congregation voted to make her their pastor, who hosts Morning Worship and Tradtional worship each Sunday.

Burton Young, Director of Music Ministries

Burt grew up in Hagerstown CoB, participating in the groups he now directs. After graduating from Bridgewater College, he served a brief time as organist and choir director at HCoB and also played the organ in other local churches. His return to HCoB in 2020 has been a joy as he plays with the praise group, leads and directs The Temple Choir and Brethren Bells and serves as organist for worship and special services.  His wife Stephanie and his sons Connor and Brody support him with encouragement and helping hands to set up for musical events at the church.

Allyson McPeak, Administrative Assistant

In March 2022, Allyson began serving as the Administrative Assistant at HCoB. Her passion for organization ensures smooth daily operations that include pastoral staff support, coordinating church events and activities, and preparing worship materials and the monthly newsletter. Allyson is dedicated to nurturing and welcoming the church community and visitors.

Don Rowe, Interior Esthetics Technician

Based on other titles these days, Don could be considered the HCob “First Gentleman” since his wife is Pastor Twyla.

So what is an Interior Esthetics Technician? After multiple custodians had resigned or retired, Don stepped up and agreed to care for the church, giving it a more esthetic title than that position has ever had.

Our Beginnnings

Junior Fire Company Hall
First public meeting place of the church

1898 Church Building
First building at current location

1910 Church Building
With Baptistry in new brick wing

Our History

The Church of the Brethren, a new Anabaptist religious movement, was founded in the village of Schwarzenau. Germany in 1708. By 1720, the group of two hundred people migrated to Holland to escape religious persecution. In 1729, about one hundred members migrated to Germantown, Pennsylvania. 

By 1750, the Hagerstown Valley territory had established the Conococheague congregation which was later divided into the three congregations: Beaver Creek, Manor, and Welsh Run.

Some members of these congregations gradually moved from rural life into Hagerstown’s growing economy. In 1883, the first worship service in Hagerstown was in a fire hall on North Potomac Street. In 1884, the members moved to a storeroom near the Market House. They secured benches and purchased 100 chairs. 

The group grew rapidly and they orangized a church school with 38 students enrolled. Since this was a temporary location, interest  grew in having their own meeting house.

Three women began fundraising and received pledges of $1000. At a subsequent council meeting. they learned that a building site on E. Washington Street had become available for $400, six men were appointed to purchase the site and proceed with plans.

The chapel was dedicated on Christmas Day, 1884, at a cost of $1947.47. By 1893, 120 people were worshipping regularly. In 1894, the German Baptist Brethren Church of Hagerstown was recognized as a congregation.

In 1891, the group  hosted the Annual Meeting of the entire denomination with 4700 people attending. This location was chosen because of excellent rail service. Attendees were housed in the Kee-Mar College on King Street. The college eventually bwcame the Washington County Library. Tents were raised on the grounds for the meetings.

On July 17, 1897, a new brick church on the corner of E. Washington and Mulberry Streets was dedicated to accommodate the congregation which had outgrown the chapel.

In 1910, the Baptistry and Church Repairs Committees decided to dig a baptistry behind the west side with dressing rooms on each side. 

In 1910, the name of the congregation became Hagerstown Church of the Brethren.  Membership had grown to 1050.

A new educational wing was added to the church in 1930. This included a social hall and stage.