Hagerstown Church of the Brethren
15 S. Mulberry St., Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 301-733-3565 * FAX: 301-733-3598

"Church in the Heart of the City with the City at Heart"
Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.

Take a Moment Prayer: Week of July 28

Week of July 28 - I am amazed by you, O God. No matter what goes on in our world and in our neighborhood, you come to my open heart with the Holy Spirit to infuse me with power to strengthen my faithfulness to you. You fill my heart with love to overcome the voices insisting on the way of selfishness and division. Thank you for these. When the darkness of the world tries to penetrate my soul and steal my joy; the power and love you use to fill my heart reminds me that the fullness of your being is incomprehensible and powerful. Therefore, I know I do not stand alone to do battle with the forces of evil. With you empowering me, I can reject what is wrong and stand firm for the things that build Your kingdom. For this, I raise my heart and voice in praise and gratitude to you. Amen.

Week of July 21 - God of Peace, In you I find my strength and focus  for the facing of each today. But, some days, I know I have so much I must do...or simply want to do...that I don't take time to rest in your presence where I would find refreshment for my soul. Help me now to hear your voice calling to me to come with you and rest for a while. Take away any unnecessary urgency I feel to accomplish things on my list of to-do's without spending  time with you. In the time I spend with you, hear my prayers for others in need and for the church. Hear my requests for forgiveness, wisdom and guidance; and help me to listen for your answers. Fill the quiet spaces in my thoughts with the holiness of your presence. Your love pours over me and my whole being is refreshed as I sit with you. Thank you, God, for these moments of rest with you. Amen.                 

Week of July 14 - Father, I pray that each child you have blessed us with knows you and knows their full worth and identity in You. I pray that you help them grow in your wisdom and power, give them the spirit to discern between good and evil. Guide them to make good choices. Bless their way and order their steps so they are not lost. Let them be Seekers of your Word and that they will turn to you in their time of need or in their time of rejoice. We are all invited to follow Jesus, and we all need people to come alongside us as we live, learn and grown in faith. Let us be that for our children. Lord, thank you for our children. Amen.                           
Written by Allyson McPeak

Week of July 6 - God of all Creation, every day, I look to you for guidance for my life path. Sometimes the way seems clear; and other times it appears confusing. In those less than clear and overwhelming moments, I ask for your Holy Spirit to pour wisdom into my heart and mind. Help me to see the open doors in my path that lead me to you and your will for my life. Empower me with courage to use the gifts you have given me to say and do the right things that will not only make a difference in my own life; but, will also bless others. I want my life-light to shine for you...giving you honor and glory...and leading others to find you. With openness to your leading, I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.